On occasions it is necessary for a decision to be made by the School Governors and Headteacher to close the school at short notice, for example due to extremely severe weather conditions. We will, of course, endeavour to give parents as much notice as possible via email and/or text message, and on this website.
It is important that the school are kept up-to-date with changes to contact details to ensure we can contact parents in an emergency (changes can be sent to the office via the contact details on this site or in person).
Parents can also listen to their local radio station as details of school closures will be broadcast. You can also check these websites for more information.
Heart Wiltshire Radio
BBC Radio Wiltshire
Wiltshire Council – Temporary Closure of Schools
Should it be necessary to close the school at short notice please check your child’s class page on this website for any homework that may be set. Also visit the useful links page on this website for some suggestions for educational websites.